art by Midzonne on pinterest

hiya :3

cool artizt perzon
-call me kori, chromatix, carcass, or vinnzi
-abro / cupioromantic // nonbinary
-she / they / haze
-eng / rus [kinda]

byi ,,

-I [used to] uze z inztead of s a lot , let me know if I'm hard to underztand !!
-i make zuggeztive jokez from time to time DX ,
-I make kys jokez [very rarely] ,, pleaze know that I never mean them .

☆ hyperfix lizt

phighting , regretevator , object zhowz [ii , tpot , objectified], furry , kaiju paradise

◇ mizc intereztz

catz , msi [mindless self indulgence], animating , zpiderz and beetlez , drawing , murder dronez [not the fandom]

dni !!

-bazic dni criteria [p_do , zoo , etc]
-excezzive zexual jokez [x]
-under 10 [x]
-juzt be a decent perzon tbh

[x] - doeznt apply if youre already a friend

I don't block very eazily , but i alzo dont accept apologiez very well .

roblox : chromatix_ soup
disc : chromatix_ soup.txt
pinterest : carcass_ casserole
tumblr : baphomuttt